Monday, July 9, 2012

A Flexy thought of Sudan Revolts 16 June 2012


Sudanese people can live and work for life, but in order for that Nowadays to be reality easily, government (a system made by the people to SERVE the people) has to be there to facilitate things for the people.

Islamic view on governance, stresses on it being chosen by the people. So, if the people choose the down-fall of the government, shouldn't that request be full-filled? Remember, it is a system MADE by the PEOPLE, if it is not serving the purpose, to get rid of the current one and to replace it with another one should be BY the PEOPLE.

People, people as in one nation, not separating them tribally. That was NOT  Islamic from the Sudanese Government to apply on OFFICIAL FORMS, that was very low. To prove the failure of such tribalism , One country into Two countries, enough spoken..!!

Bashir's regime gives the example of Czechoslovakia going to The Czech Republic and Slovakia, I would rather make them realise the countries formed by many states, willayahs, or even emirates, united as one.

Government are there as representative of the nation for the country's transactions with the world, so that the people can easily find daily basic needs, simple things, water and food. After the announcement of  Sudan's President Omar Al-Bashir swore in six ministers to join the government amid recently-imposed austerity measures that sparked un-precdented public protests, because the simple needs are taking from them. Now they have to go more than five tries in order to find bread. Not Islamic from the Sudanese Government to do.

Reasons for me saying that it was NOT Islamic:
  • The regime keeps denying the existence of own nation's people, not foreigners, not only street on non-street kids on protests, because
  • The regime is not qualified to solve Economical problems, because
  • The regime is not qualified to negotiation in deals between country-to-country, because
  • The focus is always War, Spilling Blood, and Destroying villages and history, and because
  • When the regime enters a war it is NOT implemented in an Islamic way, lastly because
  • The regime's denial of admitting a mistake, like failing to govern and let another person from the people to take over serving the people, failing to lose with dignity, is totally NOT ISLAMIC.

Yet after the above, the government (Bashir' regime) still speaks about future activities on changing the Constitution into a 100% Islamic, and improving things Economically, and specially the poor ones..... Wait, all of them or specific tribes?

The fact that Bashir's regime still insists on holding on to power, is NOT Islamic at all. Yet the regime speaks of Islam, as if they are the one who ONLY know Islam.

First glimpse of the Un-Islamic activities of Bashir's regime. 

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Invisible 3rd Elemenet

Life is a periodic semester that needs to be studied and accomplished at the same time, before death comes and says “Time’s up!”

If the chain already has two visible elements, doesn’t that mean that after that, there will be a Third Visible element? Religion is the only element of all elements in life, announces the existence of such Third Visible Element.
Religion comes in and explains it and asks you to sacrifice the things that the believed religion prohibits, but your-self is attached to them. Otherwise, there shouldn’t be such thing as life and death. Sort of like give and take thing going on, or there is no such thing as free lunch. Free lunch? How about the time when I was born until the time I became an adult, did I give anything to get something in return? There are many things that we have or had without doing something in order to get them. The only time we realize that these things have been given to us for a purpose, is when that time actually comes and the light pulp in that brain lights up.

NASA have there satellites and stations to find if there is life outside our orbit and universe, but till now, no frequency have ever occurred from the outside to our planet that indicates a life on the outside. Well, if it is until now just silence filling the space, doesn’t that indicates that we’re alone here. Professor Stephen Hawkings did mention once on a TED talk that aliens till now, have only appeared to geeks and freaks, that proves that there is no such life other than our life exists in the universe. It was included in one of his big questions about the universe.

I would like you to think and compare the number of times you heard people seeing demons, angels, ghosts or gins, to the number of times you heard people talking about aliens.

Somehow, the existence of our thoughts on demons, ghost and gins, is way longer than the first time an alien story came into our world. Come to think about it deeper, aliens arrived to our planet, when entertainment (T.V, Radio and Cinemas) came along. Hinting anything?

Human beings do use Engines to travel, like a plane. Aliens do use Ships to travel. We don't hear Demons, and the rest of them, do use Rockets to travel.

Nevertheless, the idea of knowing aliens do use HIGH Tech Ships and human beings do want that level of technology since the first chip was ever made, do make me believe that aliens are just human beings simple imagination..!! hehe.

But, is the first word if you deny or need more info, and everyone has a butt.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009



Don't you think that these 2 words that gets a person on the way to take a Risk..??
Of course, the % varies from time2time, AND the Reward has a very high impact on deciding the %... Agree?

Hello everyone..!! I'm Flexeeka, and welcome to my blog..!!

As a person who loves socializing to know more, not that much digitally, Thanks to someone who more often got me thinking on Launching a blog, sooner than I thought. So, bear with me on writing on a regular basis,daily. Come to think about it, how many posts are considered as a regular daily basis?

You'll get to know me more, as you read more thoughts, questions, comments and opinion.. etc, of mine.

Thoughts that go through almost everyone's brain, questions that you and I have asked ourselves,but didn't really give it a chance to spread it to find the question, or...
A question that you asked and found the answer and wanna verify it with the rest. Because the more you know, is realizing that the more you know that you don't know..!! Some questions are ignored due to fear, shame, or total ignorance. Other questions are still there looking for the answer, and the answer is just right there in front of us.

Why? Maybe!!?!! I believe those two words are ON switch button to a new discovery.

So, if this goes along with your taste, enjoy your time. if it does not go, go along with your choice that you already made..!!

Free Will..!!